6 Things I Learned in 2021


It’s been a big year for all of us. So much happiness and heartache, so many changes and challenges, and always so much to be thankful for. Becoming a mom this summer was definitely all of the above for me, and while I’ve learned a lot along the way, it might not be what you think. My 2021 has been a big lesson in self-growth, boundaries, priorities, and mental health. It certainly wasn’t always easy, but it was worth it because I’m more myself now than I’ve ever been. I learned a lot more than 6 things this year, but these are the top lessons that stuck out.

Let me know if any of this resonates with you and share the things you’ve learned!

Here are 6 things I learned in 2021:

1. Being Present
Disconnecting from the digital world is crucial to my mental health and to the success of my relationships. Putting my phone down when I don’t need it and taking in my surroundings is such a breath of fresh air. It’s about being part of the little moments, not just watching and taking photos…although I take plenty of those, too!

2. The Joy of Exercising
Yes, I’m working on my post-baby body, but beyond that, I’m in my early 40s and I want to be strong and healthy. I’ve never been somebody who worked out or enjoyed working out…I just didn’t have a positive association with it. This time around when I started Pilates and strength training, I noticed that I have more energy and I’m happier. I’ve never experienced this from exercise before, but now it improves my whole day.

3. A Structured Routine
And not just for the baby, but for me, too! I do really well when I have my schedule and expectations laid out in a way I can rely on. There’s flexibility for the unplanned moments, but for the most part, I’ve learned that setting myself up for success means creating a routine that flows with my personality, my work style, and my family.

4. Reimagining Date Night
When our date nights were an evening out for dinner, we noticed we would only talk about the baby. I’m sure some of y’all can relate! So we realized it was better to do something active together, like take a bike ride or go on a hike. Now, date night creates space between us and the baby and give us a shared, and sometimes new, activity to connect over. Plus, it’s so fun to get out there and do something active!

5. Releasing Control of the Little Things
From someone who has never liked to ask for help, this is a big one! I learned to give myself allowances and release control of the little things. The best part…I feel less guilt now! I don't feel guilty about asking for help. I don’t feel guilty if I’m too tired to make dinner and we order out instead. I’m understanding the importance of delegating and that asking for help is not a weakness…in turn, I have more energy to devote to the bigger things in my life.

6. I Focus on my Priorities
Focusing on my priorities helps me make the changes that improve my life. At this moment, it’s more important for me to feel settled and comfortable in my own space, so I’ve hired an organizer who visits our home to help with things like organizing closets, kitchen cabinets, baby stuff, and whatever else needs extra attention. Priorities are different for everyone, and I noticed that when I made changes to honor mine, things started to shift in a huge and positive way.


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