7 Things I Learned While Pregnant


It’s been a journey, y’all. Being pregnant has been such a transformative time in my life and I’ve learned so much! From dealing with haters to finding self care practices that work for me, I’m excited to share 7 lessons I learned during my pregnancy. I recently wrote about the best thing I did while pregnant and soon I’ll be sharing 10 baby products I bought for Baby M…so stay tuned. In the meantime, scroll down and let me know if any of these lessons resonate with you and share what you’ve learned throughout your own pregnancies!

Here are 7 Lessons I Learned While Pregnant:

1. Wear what makes you feel good, mama! If that looks like heels and crop tops, good for you! If it looks like joggers and Nikes, go for it! Wear. What. Makes. You. Feel. Good!

2. Don’t listen to all the chatter. Between the unsolicited opinions and the metiches (nosy haters), the mom world can be a vicious place. But in the end, we’re all here to love our babies and I’ll trust myself and do what’s right for mine and my family.

3. People will give you judgy looks for doing things they don’t think a pregnant woman should be doing…like wine shopping for your husband at 8 months pregnant!

4. A great look makes all the difference. I haven’t always felt like myself throughout my pregnancy journey, but when in doubt...just add lipstick! Instant confidence boost.

5. Finding maternal self care activities that work for me has been crucial. Staying active and getting outside plays a huge role in keeping me recharged, grounded, and calm.

6. This baby has made me so chill! I thought I’d be the kind of mom that already has the nursery ready, the car seat installed, all the baby classes completed. Nope! Don’t get me wrong, the nursery will be incredible when it’s finished…but that’s not going to be today!

7. Baby M is already so loved. And I’m so so thankful for that. Thank you for all of the support and love and generosity so many of you have sent my way. We are truly blessed!


Our Babymoon at Hotel Bel-Air


My Maternity Fashion Shoot