6 Tips for Baby's First Flight


We recently flew with Santi on his very first cross-country flight and it went as smooth as ever, all because of the incredible support from you! I asked for advice and product recommendations on Instagram and y’all showed up with so many helpful tips. I tried out a bunch of your suggestions, learned a few things along the way, and I am sharing tips that worked for us.

Scroll down to see my top 6 tips for baby’s first flight!

1. Research your airplane

We flew coach and bought Santi his own seat. Patrick looked for the largest aircraft with a middle section that had three seats so we could control the entire row and both of us could easily get up when we needed. Santi sat in the middle and alternated between laying all stretched out on The Flyaway Kids Bed and snuggled up in his car seat with a lightweight cover draped over him to create a calm atmosphere.

2. Send your luggage ahead

We sent as much luggage as possible ahead of time with Luggage Forward so we didn't have to worry about the bags. This turned out to be an amazing decision because the travel stroller we checked was lost, so when we landed we were holding Santi in the carrier in addition to all of our other stuff, and carrying our luggage on top of that would’ve been overwhelming.

3. Pack efficiently and intuitively

We gate-checked the stroller and put the car seat adapters and base in a bag. In the diaper bag, which we brought as our personal item, I packed all the immediate items we would need: toys, diapers, snacks, sanitizing wipes, you name it. In our rolling carry-on, I packed extras of everything and stored them in packing cubes

Pro Packing Tip: Each cube was labeled so that both Patrick and I knew what was inside.

5. Bring things that will make your flight easier

  • Santi wore a magnetic onesie–I bought a few of these super soft onesies that were easy to take on and off. 

  • Easy-to-hold and resealable snacks were lifesavers and sustained us for the duration of the flight. 

  • In addition to bringing quiet books, we also packed suction cup toys and gel stickers that were a hit. They stick to monitors AND windows!

6. Pack travel-friendly essentials that will help you during your whole trip.

Toys and products that pull double-duty for travel AND at your destination will save you time, space, and stress. We packed a travel crib, portable monitor stand so we could bring our own baby monitor, and the cutest owl sound machine--which can also be used on the plane AND the drive to and from the airport.

Pro Tip: We brought Santi's crib sheet and pillowcase. We didn't wash them so they still smelled like home when we used them at our destination.

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Mamas—know that each family, each baby, each day is different, so if my travel tips work for you one day but not the next, or for your first baby and not your second, that’s okay! You’re still doing a great job.

All of these tips (and more) were featured in a recent The LV Guide Newsletter. To make sure you’re not missing more mom + baby tips, exclusive giveaways, fashion favorites, and more, tap here to subscribe.


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