5 Working Mom Non-Negotiables


It’s no secret that being a mom is tough. One of the biggest things I hear and read about is a woman losing herself in motherhood. It’s not surprising because of the all-consuming effort is takes to care for tiny people who depend on you. It requires SO much.

I believe there’s a way to not only be a great mom, but to be a great YOU.

I want Santi to know that life is full of wonderful and beautiful things and that people can be many things all at once. A woman can be a mother and a wife and a friend and successful in her career and true to herself all at the same time. Not one role is less important than the others. Yes, it takes some balancing and shifting and the conscious effort to prioritize the things that are important. And what better way to teach him that than to show him?

As a mom with a career outside of the home, these are 5 things I make time for regularly: 

1. Manicures/facials. I love a good spa day. It helps me feel refreshed, rejuvenated, and energized. Being relaxed and put together helps me to feel like myself.

2. Drinks with girlfriends. An absolute must for me is to stay close to my girlfriends, they are my sounding board and some of my strongest supporters. I don’t know where I’d be without them.

3. Pilates class. I didn’t used to love working out, but Pilates makes me feel strong in ways I didn’t expect. I love the confidence I’ve gained because of these classes.

4. Learning. It’s never too late to stop learning, ever. I love challenging my brain with fresh ideas and trying new skills or honing ones I already have. I prioritize my personal growth by actively participating in activities such as attending writing classes and dedicating time to read, ensuring that I am constantly expanding my knowledge.

5. Date nights. One-on-one time with Patrick is absolutely essential. We need time to reconnect after the crazy workweek and explore new (or our favorite) places together.

All of these help me to feel like ME. I make time for them so I can invest in myself and in the relationships that fuel me. When I treat myself well, I have the energy to be the best mom I can be to Santi. One of the things I want to teach him is how important it is to take care of yourself and I do that by showing him how I take care of myself.

Your non-negotiables may look different than mine and that’s okay! Whatever they are, prioritizing what’s important to you will give you the space and the energy to take care of others in your life. You’ll also feel incredible!

Note: I don’t think this message is working-mom exclusive, making time for yourself is essential regardless of your career/parental status!

Click below to read more Motherhood posts on The LV Guide:
Celebrating Motherhood (And ME)
Mom’s Milestones
Childcare: It Takes A Village


Letter to Santi


My All-Time Favorite Interviews