10 Closet Clean-Out Tips

I like to clean out my closet once or twice each year to swap out pieces that just aren’t “me” anymore and make room for new threads. I’m sharing a few tips that help me, since I know it can be hard to decide what to keep. A simple rule I follow: If it doesn’t make me feel good, then it’s not meant to be in my wardrobe anymore!

When discarding gently used items, they can be donated, sold, or repurposed into something else with the fabric. If there are no donation or thrift shops open in your area just yet, put them in a bag and hide them from view until they open up again!

I find it best to go through my wardrobe all in one day, so schedule out an afternoon, pop on your favorite music, and get to work cleaning out your closet!

Tips for editing and organizing your wardrobe:

1. If it doesn’t fit you right now, it’s got to go. Make room for clothing that will make you look and feel your best!

2. Mend items that need a little TLC. And toss clothing and accessories that are beyond repair.

3. Six to twelve months…Donate or sell any seasonal clothing you haven’t worn in the last year, and staple pieces you haven’t worn in six months. If you’re not sure, box up those “maybes” and save them for another day...but keep that box small! When in doubt, FaceTime a friend to help you make the tough decisions!

4. Go through your accessories. Think: jewelry, handbags, watches, hair accessories, and hats. Keep only the pieces you absolutely love!

5. Say goodbye to duplicates. If you have several pieces in the same style or color, pick your favorite and keep your wardrobe streamlined!

6. Reflect on your signature style. If you want a bold look, but you have a lot of neutrals in your closet, now is a great time to switch it up! And vice versa…if you’re looking to embrace a capsule wardrobe, filter out the clothing that no longer fits your style goals.

7. Sentimental pieces. I like to find a tasteful way to display one or two cherished pieces that might not quite reflect my style…such as placing heirloom jewelry on a shelf alongside a photo or perfume of the loved one who gifted the piece to me. This way I can beautifully honor those memories while maintaining an organized space!

8. Display similar items together. Save space and create a beautiful display by grouping like pieces together, such as as knit sweaters, shoes, and handbags. (Image via The Container Store)

9. Set up an organizing system. Incorporating organizing pieces such as beautiful linen bins and elevated clear hangars will encourage you to maintain your new, streamlined closet. There are many ways to organized your space, I love the look of a color-coded closet...and I get major inspo from The Home Edit! (Image via The Home Edit)

10. Make mornings easy! Now that your closet is cleaned out and organized….take a note from the guys. With this feminine valet stand, you can pick out your outfit and accessories the night before and have them all ready to go in the morning!


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